KhAk's Design - Contact Table

  Myspace Contact Table
- A MySpace Contact Table is the table on your profile that contains the links such as "Add Me",
  "Mail Me", "Block Me", etc.

- It is not difficult to create your own custom contact table!
  All you need is an "Image Editings Tool", just a bit of "Creativity", and a little "Patience".

- On the following sites you can see the "Contact Tables" that I have created with the
  "Free Images" that I found on the net.
  Click on the category you wish, and feel free to use any "Contact Table" you like for your
  "Myspace Page".

To install a contact table:
- Be sure to remove your current code first!
- Click on the "Code Box" at the right side next to your selected image, and copy/paste the
  highlighted CSS code into the "About Me/Bio" section of your profile.
  More About Contact Table

Contact Table Categories
  Choose The Category